Cayman Islands - directory information regarding the principals of hedge funds or investment funds

Is directory information regarding the principals of such a fund when established in the Caymans is publicly available?


I checked the registration requirements relating to funds in the Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) regulates funds. CIMA covers hedge funds and investment funds under the umbrella definition of a ‘mutual fund’.


When registering or licensing a mutual fund, details of principals must be supplied as follows:

- Regulated fund: (a) Directors OR (b) Trustee OR (c) General Partner AND list of Directors of General Partner if Limited Partnership

- Administered fund: (a) Directors OR (b) Trustee OR (c) General Partner

- Licensed fund: (a) Directors OR (b) Trustee OR (c) General Partner AND list of Directors of General Partner if Limited Partnership

When applying for a mutual fund administrator license, the information that must be supplied on major shareholders, directors and officers is governed by the Mutual Fund Administrators License (Applications) Regulations. “Principals” is defined in these Regulations and the specific requirements differ according to whether the company is incorporated inside or outside the Cayman Islands.


All directory information on the principals of such a fund are deemed confidential. CIMA will not release any details to you unless you are affiliated with the fund. They have a record of all persons/parties affiliated with the fund and will use this as a reference point.


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