
Local Acts

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Local Acts - how to find them


The online version of the Local Act Table lists in their chronological sequence all those Acts passed by the Parliaments at Westminster between 1797 and the end of 2008 which have come to be described generally as Local Acts. Until 1797 there were two official series of Acts - Public and Private - but in that year the Public Acts were divided into two further series of Public General Acts and Public Local and Personal Acts.


More information on Local Acts etc is available in the introduction to Local Acts on

The National Archives has a useful list of libraries which house major collections of local and private Acts, including The Law Society.

Additionally Justis (subscription) is another resource for Local Acts as enacted.


Is it still in force?

See Middle Temple blog and the Law Society Library Catalogue Information entry on "Local Acts - updating". 


If your Local Act is post-1991,

  • Westlaw should have an up-to-date version


If your Act is pre-1991

  • Check the Chronological Table of Local Acts on
  • Check the Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008
  • Check the Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2013
  • Check the ‘Effect of Legislation’ table, published by TSO in the Public General Acts Tables and Index, for each year 2009 onwards (these can be found in the bound volumes produced by TSO)


You can also

  • check the Current Law Legislation Citators for each year 2009 onwards, but be warned these aren’t comprehensive (and don’t include the Statute Law (Repeals) Acts 2008 & 2013)
  • run a free-text search on Westlaw’s legislation module for “[Act Title]” /15 (repeal! or amend!) to see if any later legislation has amended your Local Act



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